Big AI is watching you!
Last month, I wrote about a newly developed smart sensor that uses sound and AI to identify activities. Nest, a Google company, has now upped the ante.
Last month, I wrote about a newly developed smart sensor that uses sound and AI to identify activities. Nest, a Google company, has now upped the ante.
With French drone manufacturer Parrot offering consumer-grade drones with commercial markets in mind, it becomes quite obvious that the hurdle for this market is not building a smarter Drone, but working with the flood of data it will generate.
Isaac Asimov, prolific writer of Science Fiction and Non-Fiction books (more than 500!) and father of the term "robotics" realized very early on that "intelligent" robots could cause as much harm as good, if "programmed" the wrong way.
A dragnet investigation is an attempt to find a person or thing (such as a car) by defining a certain area and the physical aspects of the person or thing sought and systematically checking every matching person/thing one comes across.
And everyone remembers the 1987 film by the same name, right? Right?